News Blog

Veterans For Peace Encourages Diplomacy Not War

April 03, 2023

Veterans For Peace condemns the invasion of Ukraine. Our mission remains the same. We are committed to a sustainable and just peace. As veterans we know increased violence only fuels extremism. We have watched, and in some cases been firsthand witnesses to how the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, etc. have had their countries and lives destroyed by U.S. and Russian military involvement.

Category: Position Statement
Tag: Ukraine

Veterans For Peace Statement on Roe Vs. Wade

April 03, 2023

Veterans For Peace (VFP) was organized by military veterans and allies to bring an end to all war and the oppressive systems that enable it. VFP believes that everyone has the absolute right to control their bodies, including reproductive functions, and have access to adequate healthcare. The Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade constitutes a war on rights of bodily autonomy and self-determination, and as such, VFP has a responsibility to fight against it.

Category: Position Statement

VFP Joins Roger Waters, Ben Cohen, and Over 200 Organizations to Demand End to F-35 Program

October 19, 2022

In a time of economic uncertainty, climate crisis, and the necessity for peace and stability for people and planet, over 220 organizations join together in an international campaign to end the United State’s F-35 program. Citing “harm caused abroad, cost of the program to the taxpayer, inefficiencies and failures, the environmental impact of F-35s, and the effects training has on local communities” the large coalition of organizations are joined by Ben Cohen, Roger Waters, Noam Chomsky and others in signing a joint letter addressed to President Joe Biden and members of the United States congress.

Category: Press Release

News Advisory: Fourteen (14) San Diego Groups ask the Navy to Cancel The Miramar Air Show - 4 protest events scheduled

September 12, 2022

Fourteen (14) San Diego Military, Environmental, Religious and Social Groups ask the Navy to Cancel The Miramar Air Show in September for Environmental Reasons.

Category: Press Release

RELEASE: Military Veterans Arrested Demanding Presidential & Congressional Action on Climate Crisis

August 03, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C.- On Wednesday, August 3rd, seven military veterans and supporters were arrested near the U.S. Capitol Building. Members of Veterans For Peace, an organization of over 120 military veteran chapters worldwide, gathered at the foot of the Capitol demanding more robust action on addressing the climate crisis.

Category: Press Release