News Blog

Wage Peace, not War in Korea!

April 28, 2017

VFP has advocated that the real solution to the continuing military tension in Korea is to end the Korean War officially with a peace treaty, not just focusing on denuclearization in N. Korea. It is critical for our VFP members and supporters to engage in sustained public advocacy for permanent peace in Korea.

Category: Uncategorized

VFP Condemns U.S. Refusal to Particpate in U.N. Negotiations about Nuclear Weapons

April 21, 2017

Veterans For Peace has strongly criticized the U.S. refusal to take part in negotiations at the United Nations to ban nuclear weapons. President Barry Landendorf sent a letter to the U.S. Ambassador expressing dismay at the missed opportunity for the U.S.

Veterans For Peace Supports Rep. Gabbard's Denouncement of Syria Strike

April 19, 2017

Veterans For Peace stands by and fully supports fellow veteran and Representative Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) and her recent denouncement of recent U.S. cruise missile strikes on Syria. Representative Gabbard, in her interview on CNN, correctly characterized the cruise missile attacks as an illegal and unconstitutional act of war.

Category: Uncategorized

The Golden Rule Sails Again for a Nuclear-Free World

March 31, 2017

VFP will again play a big role in the voyage of the Golden Rule Anti-Nuclear Protest Boat as she sails to most California Ports this summer - from Eureka to San Diego and up the Sacramento River.

Divest from War, Invest in People by Kathy Kelly, Advisory Board Member

January 31, 2017

All Trump, all the time. With a punishing, disorienting barrage of executive orders, President Trump is reversing hard fought gains made in environmental protection, health care, women’s rights, immigration policy, and nuclear weapons reduction--with even more executive orders promised.
