News Blog

¡Presente! Masahide Ota

June 23, 2017

VFP Advisory Board Member, Masahide Ota, a noted historian and survivor of the Battle of Okinawa, died Monday of pneumonia and respiratory failure at a hospital in Naha, his office said. He had turned 92 the same day.

Category: Uncategorized

Golden Rule to Sail in Support of UN Treaty to Ban Nuclear Weapons

June 02, 2017

The Golden Rule is about to leave Humboldt Bay on her third peace voyage in as many years. We will be heading down the California coast to San Francisco Bay, up the river to Sacramento, and back down the coast, making 14 stops before arriving in San Diego on August 25.

Category: Uncategorized

Chelsea Manning Will Be Free!

May 12, 2017

Chelsea Manning will be released from prison this coming Wednesday, May 17. Veterans For Peace is celebrating her freedom. We are so grateful to Chelsea for her courage in releasing U.S. Army documents that allowed the public to know the truth about the U.S. wars and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Category: Uncategorized

Veterans For Peace 2017 Resolutions

May 04, 2017

Every summer members of VFP are given the opportunity to shape organization policy by submitting resolutions that are reviewed and voted on by the membership.

Category: Uncategorized

Remembering Lives Lost @ Kent State & Jackson State

May 01, 2017

In 1970 on May 4th, the Ohio National Guard opened fired on students at Kent State. Ten days later, on May 14th police killed two students at Jackson State in Mississippi. Learn More
