News Blog

Veterans For Peace Sends Joint Letter Calling for Peace Negotiations Now

September 21, 2017

Veterans For Peace Sends Joint Letter to President Trump and Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un, Calling for Peace Negotiations Now

Category: Actions

The VFP Golden Rule Considering a Gulf Coast Tour in Spring 2018

September 15, 2017

Learn more about the possibilities for a Spring 2018 tour with the Golden Rule, the anti-nuclear weapons peace boat!

Category: Press Release

2018 VFP Vietnam Trip

September 15, 2017

For the seventh year, Viet Nam's Hoa Binh (Peace) Chapter 160 of Veterans For Peace (VFP) will host a two-week insider tour of a former war-torn country that is now a nation of peace and beauty – Viet Nam.

Category: Actions

VFP Endorsed National Call for Action During US-SK War Drills

August 18, 2017

For ten days, from August 21 to August 31, U.S. and South Korean forces will kick off the Ulchi Freedom Guardian joint military drills, highly provocative and threatening rehearsals for war involving tens of thousands of soldiers simulating surgical strikes on North Korea. Pyongyang views this as threatening and justification for pursuing its nuclear weapons and missile program. Find out ways to act!

Categories: Actions, Endorsements

United Nations Approves Treaty to Ban Nuclear Arms

July 07, 2017

In a victory for peace activists around the world, a historic decision made by the UN brings us closer than ever to our mission of ending the arms race and eliminating nuclear weapons.
