News Blog

100 years of “11th Hour”: Touring Belltower at North Carolina State Capitol Through Veterans (Armistice) Day

November 09, 2018

A 24-ft-tall touring “Swords to Plowshares Memorial Belltower” covered with memorial plaques made from recycled cans that are being inscribed by visitors to bear witness to effects of war on veterans and victims of war

VFP Members Participate in Protest Blocking Entry to Saudi Consulate

November 09, 2018

Veterans For Peace members joined Voices for Creative Nonviolence in a series of vigils and protests over a three day period to bring awareness of the horrific war in Yemen. The United States has been sending weapons and funds to Saudi Arabia, including the Lockheed Martin bombs that killed 34 school children. On Thursday, November 9th, Voices for Creative Nonviolence, joined by VFP members blocked the Saudi Consulate.

Message from VFP President, Gerry Condon

November 02, 2018

VFP President Gerry Condon responds to recent events urging members to Support GI’s Who Resist Trump’s Attack on Asylum Seekers and Say No to Racist Hate Crimes!

Veterans for Peace Taps Skagway Activist to Plan Youth Nuclear Weapons Conference

September 28, 2018

Shelby Surdyk of Skagway Alaska has been selected to plan and coordinate an International Youth Congress for the Global Elimination of Nuclear Weapons which will be held in Juneau in 2020.

A People’s History of Fallujah Raises Funds for Reparations

September 13, 2018

The Howard Zinn Committee of Veterans for Peace is pleased to announce that Chapter 95's Zinn-supported reparations work has allowed Fallujah's Women and Children's Hospital to purchase an echo-cardiogram machine, as well as to make connections between this hospital and Western medical organizations.

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