News Blog

World Premiere of Clownvets

March 01, 2019

The World Premiere of Clownvets will take place at the prestigious Cinequest Film Festival in San Jose, California during March.

Patch Adams and some of the vets (including a Chicago VFP member) featured in the film will be there.

RNs and Veterans Rally to Protect Veterans’ Health Care at the VA

March 01, 2019

RNs with National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United (NNOC/NNU) and veterans with San Diego Veterans for Peace are calling on the VA Secretary, Robert Wilkie, to fully fund and staff the VA, and reject the implementation of proposed rules that will divert billions of taxpayer dollars designated for the VA and veterans’ health care into the private sector.

VFP Board Member Jessie Medvan Responds to State of the Union

February 08, 2019

Veterans For Peace Board member, Jessie Medvan responds to the State of the Union

Call for VFP Chapters to Organize February 23 Protests

February 08, 2019

A Message from VFP President Gerry Condon: Call for VFP Chapters to Organize February 23 Protests Against the U.S. Coup in Venezuela

Take Action: Tell your Reps to Create a GAO Investigation Before Another Base Is Built in Okinawa

January 23, 2019

VFP-ROCK has been carrying out a campaign, based on a resolution passed at last year's VFP Convention, to persuade the Government Accountability Office to do an investigation of the Henoko project.
