News Blog

Belltower Memorial to be Raised on National Mall Memorial Day Weekend

May 24, 2019

This Memorial Day weekend on the National Mall, the public is invited to add inscriptions to a 24-ft-tall touring Memorial, the Swords to Plowshares Memorial Belltower.

VFP joins the Venezuela Embassy Protection Collective

May 08, 2019

Over the last several days, VFP members from around the U.S. have joined the vigil outside the Embassy of Venezuela in support of VFP member Ken Ashe and other peace activists who are under siege inside the Embassy. The activists are there at the invitation of the elected government of Venezuela.

Take Action on Venezuela

May 03, 2019

Call Congress and tell them to take action to prevent yet another war waged by the U.S. for private gain and to end the devastating sanctions on Venezuela.

VFP Members Arrested During Christening of "Lyndon B. Johnson"

April 29, 2019

Over 75 Maine peace activists gathered under foggy, misty conditions at GD/BIW in Bath on April 27, 2019 to protest the “christening” of the LBJ Zumwalt class warship.

Deported Veterans Sail on Golden Rule Peace Boat

April 26, 2019

For the second year in a row, VFP’s Golden Rule peace boat sailed from San Diego to Ensenada in Baja California, Mexico, in order to go sailing with our good friends in the Unified U.S. Deported Veterans chapter of Veterans For Peace.
