News Blog

Milwaukee Veterans ask state to give priorities to prisoners, veterans homes for COVID-19 vaccine

December 09, 2020

Prisoners should get high priority as Wisconsin makes decisions on who should be among the first to be vaccinated against COVID-19, Milwaukee Veterans For Peace told a state panel making recommendations on the vaccine distribution.

Veterans For Peace opposes Michele Flournoy as Defense Secretary

December 02, 2020

Veterans For Peace opposes Michele Flournoy as Defense Secretary.
As veterans who have served in multiple wars, we have a long political memory. We know Biden supported wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and dozens more conflicts and drone strikes that flew under the radar. His gathering team promises only more of the same.

Join VFP for the world premiere of We Are Many!

September 10, 2020

Veterans For Peace is proud to invite you to our Virtual Theater for the Sept 21 event 100 Cities. One Night for Peace. Music performances, film screening, panel discussion. A celebratory event with a screening of the film WE ARE MANY, discussion; reflection on movement building, peaceful protest, and this time in history.

Categories: Actions, Endorsements

Kevin Zeese, ¡PRESENTE!

September 10, 2020

Kevin Zeese was playing an increasingly important role in the movements for peace and social justice. He was a dear friend to many of us. He will be sorely missed, but his legacy of energetic activism will continue to inspire.

Category: Article by Member
Tag: Presente

A Memorial Peace Park Opened in South Korea

June 18, 2020

Concerned South Korean peace groups have finished and opened the Hyosoon-Miseon Peace Park recently, in memory of the two young Korean school girls crushed to death by a heavy U.S. armored vehicle that was travelling on the South Korean countryside road in 2002.
