Motion on Use of VFP Logo Adopted unanimously by the VFP National Board - May 20, 2023

June 12, 2023

“As members of Veterans For Peace (Full and Associate) we stand unified in our opposition to war in all its manifestations.

In particular, our Statement of Purpose commits us to “Restrain our government from intervening overtly and covertly, into the internal affairs of other nations.”

If we allow ourselves to be torn apart from the inside because of divisiveness on issues related to war contrary to our Statement of Purpose, we stand a chance of damaging our integrity as a voice of non-violence and opposition to war. Veterans For Peace is the largest national veterans' organization whose primary purpose is abolishing war. It would be a grave mistake if we lost our effectiveness and voice.

All members of VFP are free to think and speak whatever they want in their personal lives but in regard to war we ask that if any member is speaking contrary to our Statement of Purpose, to not identify themselves as a member of Veterans For Peace nor use our VFP logo.

Also, any unsanctioned members or working groups identifying themselves as Veterans For Peace while speaking contrary to our Statement of Purpose, have created websites, are conducting webinars, etc. shall immediately shut down such sites and cease and desist."


Susan Schnall, President
Veterans For Peace


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