We write as an organization of former soldiers and veterans of US wars in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and various other U.S. military interventions, who oppose militarism and war. We support the right of conscientious objectors, potential conscripts and soldiers to refuse to participate in war.
Members of Veterans For Peace use our experiences and lift our collective voice to build a culture of peace. We inform the public of the true causes and enormous costs of wars and highlight our obligation to heal the wounds of wars. Only when the troops refuse to fight will we be rid of war.
We support military war resisters, conscientious objectors, and asylum seekers who refuse to go to war or who refuse to fight. We support Russian and Ukrainian soldiers who desert their military and demand an end to war by peaceful means.
We call upon government and civil society groups to support and welcome all conscientious objectors and war resisters who refuse to participate in the war in Ukraine. We urge governments to grant visas and humanitarian entry to war resisters and call upon civil society networks to offer them sanctuary and social support.
Those who conscientiously object to war should be welcomed as allies of a just peace.
We believe those who face punishment for refusing to participate in acts of war qualify for status as refugees. States and civil society groups should welcome those who refuse to participate in the Russia - Ukraine war and offer them support and protection. The United States has a legal and moral obligation to provide refuge to anyone with sincere political, religious, or moral objections to participating in the atrocities taking place in Ukraine. The courageous young people fleeing conscription to war are on the right side of history. They deserve our support.
Susan Schnall
National Board President
Veterans For Peace