The Howard Zinn Committee is proud to announce that we have awarded VFP Chapter 168 of Louisville, Kentucky, a $500 grant to assist the chapter in creating a weekly VFP Radio Hour. The chapter broadcasts weekly on local radio and their program is available for download as a podcast. The Howard Zinn Fund would like to thank VFP members Carol Trainer, Patrick King, Steven Gardiner, and John Wilborn for their vision in producing this project.
The Howard Zinn Committee makes small grants to VFP chapters beginning new projects with outcomes addressing the root causes of colonization, climate change, capitalism, and militarism. Funding is competitive and we do not fund projects which seek only to raise awareness or to educate the public. For more information on how to apply for a grant, please email zinnfund@veteransforpeace.org
You can now listen to a podcast of VFP #168's 1st VFP Radio Hour program, broadcast on FORward radio, 106.5 LP-FM. Their first show was hosted by VFP member Patrick King and is entitled "Veterans For Peace: Who We Are." Please listen and give them some feedback!
The podcast is not yet up on the web but luckily VFP members captured it to listen to and uploaded it on GoogleDrive. Make sure to give it a listen!
If you have any feedback or just some kudos, the Louisville Chapter would love to hear them! Email VFP168@VETERANSFORPEACE.ORG