By Helen Jaccard
VFP will again play a big role in the voyage of the Golden Rule Anti-Nuclear Protest Boat as she sails to most California Ports this summer - from Eureka to San Diego and up the Sacramento River.
The Golden Rule will stay in San Diego this winter in preparation for the tour of the rest of the US. The California Chapters of VFP are excited about her visit and our anti-nuclear work, which provides an important educational element regarding the VFP mission “To end the arms race and to reduce and eventually eliminate nuclear weapons”.
2017 Voyage
Here’s the preliminary schedule for the 2017 voyage of the Golden Rule:
Leave Eureka |
Sat 6/10 |
Noyo / Caspar /Fort Bragg |
Sun 6/11 - Wed 6/14 |
Bodega Bay |
Thu 6/15 - Sun 6/18 |
San Francisco Bay and Sacramento River |
Peace Pirate Camp |
Wed 6/21 - Wed /28 |
Tiburon - Corinthian YC |
Boat Show! on 6/26 |
Sausalito |
Thu 6/29 - Sat 7/01 |
San Rafael |
Sat 7/01 - Sun 7/02 |
Vallejo |
Sun 7/02 - Mon 7/03 |
Antioch |
Mon 7/03 - Wed 7/05 |
Reunion! Phoenix of Hiroshima |
Wed 7/05 - Thu 7/06 |
Antioch |
Thu 7/06 - Fri 7/07 |
Walnut Grove |
Fri 7/07 - Sat 7/08 |
Sacramento |
Sat 7/08 - Wed 7/12 |
Walnut Grove |
Wed 7/12 - Fri 7/14 |
Antioch |
Fri 7/14 - Sat 7/15 |
Vallejo |
Sat 7/15 - Mon 7/17 |
San Rafael |
Mon 7/17 - Wed 7/19 |
Half Moon Bay |
Wed 7/19 - Sat 7/22 |
Santa Cruz |
Sun 7/23 - Wed 7/26 |
Monterey |
Wed 7/26 - Sat 7/29 |
Morro Bay |
Sun 7/30 - Wed 8/02 |
Santa Barbara, mini-Peace Pirate Camp |
Thu 8/03 - Sun 8/06 |
Ventura/Oxnard |
Mon 8/07 - Thu 8/10 |
Marina del Rey |
Thu 8/10 - Sun 8/13 |
Long Beach |
Mon 8/14 - Thu 8/17 |
Newport |
Thu 8/17 - Sat 8/19 |
Dana Point |
Sat 8/19 - Mon 8/21 |
San Diego |
Tue 8/22 |
Pirate Peace Camps |
To be announced |
Peace Pirate Camps
New Program! “Peace Pirate Camps!” This is a chance for veterans, youth, women and others to join together to learn to sail, learn the principles of non-violent direct action, participate in an action planned during the camp, and learn about nuclear issues today. It will be a lot of fun and you might be chosen for future crew!
There will be one camp from June 21 – 28 in San Francisco Bay and two or three in San Diego. A 2-day version is being planned in Santa Barbara, August 4-5.
Contact Jim Summers, poozles@hotmail.com, for more information or fill out an application and return it to vfpgoldenruleproject@gmail.com.
The Golden Rule to visit the Phoenix of Hiroshima!
The reunion will be the first we know of since 1958, when the Golden Rule crew handed the baton to the Phoenix crew in Honolulu to complete the historic attempt to stop atmospheric nuclear bomb testing.
The same year that the Golden Rule sank and brought up from the bottom of Humboldt Bay, the Phoenix of Hiroshima sank only a short distance away! The Phoenix has been located and efforts to raise and restore her are underway. If the Phoenix is still in the area of the Sacramento River in early July, we will have a wonderful reunion celebration.
If all goes well this spring, the Phoenix will be on the water instead of under it!
The Golden Rule only sails with help from our supporters and helpers!
We need funds and volunteers for repairs, maintenance and upgrades, including:
- Main sail rigging repairs
- New power charger/inverter
- Electrical and galley improvements
- Heating and ventilation
- Propeller shaft seal repair
Please call Restoration Coordinator Chuck DeWitt, 707-445-4790 or email chuckdwtt@gmail.com to help!
Event Volunteers Needed
The 2017 sailing season will be very exciting! We will sail from Humboldt Bay to San Diego. With many educational stops, we need a lot of help, all hands on deck and there are many roles to play!
Organizers, authors, public speakers, a web master, photographers, videographers will all be needed and appreciated.
If you live on the coast of California, we also need help to organize events and seed money for each stop. To volunteer, please contact Helen Jaccard at 206-992-6364 or send an email to vfpgoldenruleproject@gmail.com or make a donation
Crew and Captains Needed
Are you a sailor and interested in stopping nuclear weapons and promoting nuclear-free, carbon-free energy? Our crew application form is at http://www.vfpgoldenruleproject.org/crew-application/
This year a modest stipend will be available for licensed captains. For more information, call Helen Jaccard at 206-992-6364.
You can Help Keep the Golden Rule Afloat
The Veterans For Peace Golden Rule Project reaches thousands of people per year, and this year promises to be the best yet – we will not only make more stops, but each stop will involve a strong program to reach beyond the choir. By offering public speakers and education to churches, clubs and many different kinds of organizations, we are taking our message to where people meet, encouraging them to see this famous sail boat and to go for a ride.
We need your help to make this all happen!
So please send a generous check to:
VFP Golden Rule Project
PO Box 87
Samoa, CA 95564
Or donate online http://www.vfpgoldenruleproject.org/donate-and-help/
Helen Jaccard is a WILPF-US at-large member, Veterans For Peace Associate Member, VFP Golden Rule Project Manager