The historic Golden Rule antinuclear sailboat is heading up the Oregon Coast, beginning a four-month voyage that will see her stopping at 30 ports throughout the Pacific Northwest.
The Golden Rule and her crew of three men and one woman left Humboldt Bay around 8 am on Tuesday morning. After a first rough night, with high winds, rolling waves and a bit of seasickness, the Golden Rule and her crew are doing fine. After several hours of rest in Brookings, Oregon, near the California border, they headed back out into the Pacific Ocean at 9:30 pm on Wednesday evening, and stayed out sailing and motoring for two nights before arriving into Newport, the largest fishing harbor on the Oregon coast.
At her best, the Golden Rule makes about six miles per hour. This is not a fast way to travel. She will arrive into Portland, our first scheduled stop, in plenty of time for a public event on Wednesday, June 8, 7 pm at the First Unitarian Church in downtown Portland, and to sail in the Willamette River during the arrival of the Fleet Week Parade of Ships on Thursday, June 9. The Golden Rule crew will be feted at a Quaker potluck dinner on Friday night. And on Saturday, June 11, during the annual Parade of Roses, the Golden Rule will sail through downtown Portland, accompanied by a traditional Marshall Islands outrigger canoe, with sails!
After Portland, the Golden Rule will sail up the Columbia River for events in Hood River, Oregon (June 15), Stevenson, Washington (June 16) and back to Vancouver, Washington for an event on Saturday evening, June 11.
Sailing for a Nuclear-Free World
A rotating group of local and national speakers and activists from peace, antinuclear and environmental groups will speak at the various events. Singer/songwriter David Rovics will perform in Portland and beyond.
“We are sailing for a nuclear-free world,” said Helen Jaccard, VFP Golden Rule Project manager. “We want to end the entire nuclear cycle, from poisonous uranium mining to nuclear power accidents and perpetual waste, and of course, nuclear weapons.”
“We are also sailing for a peaceful, sustainable future,” added Gerry Condon, national vice president of Veterans For Peace. “We see climate catastrophe and nuclear war as two major existential threats to human civilization,” continued Condon. “The Golden Rule is giving a platform to local activists who are fighting against oil, coal and natural gas refineries and terminals in their communities.”
Follow the Golden Rule. Help to keep her going!
You can see the current location of the Golden Rule on Marine Tracker, here.
Regular updates are posted at www.vfpgoldenruleproject.org.
The crew has been posting photos and updates on our Facebook page, VFP Golden Rule Project.
Help us make the Golden Rule’s voyagesustainable. We have no corporate sponsor, no foundation grant (yet) and no major donors (yet). We have to raise funds as we go. You can help by going to our website and making a secure, tax-deductible donation via Paypal. Soon, we hope to have a Go Fund Me campaign up and running (anybody want to help?). If you believe in nuclear disarmament and peace, your contributions to the Golden Rule will go a long way.