What: Walk, Fast, and Vigil to close Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant.
When: November 30 - December 7, 2014
Where: November 30th--from San Luis Mission to the gates of Diablo Canyon. Meet at the Mission
Plaza at 9am.
December 1,2,3 ----Near the gates of Diablo in Avila, 8:30-4:30
December 5, 6--On the lawn of the County Courthouse in San Luis Obispo (across from the Fremont Theater), 8:30-4:30
Several Buddhist monks will be holding a Walk, Fast, and Vigil to close Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant.
Please join them as they lead a Peace Walk on Thanksgiving Sunday--November 30th--from San Luis Mission to the gates of Diablo Canyon. Meet at the Mission Plaza at 9am.
On December 1st they will begin a week's Vigil and a Fast that will culminate the following Sunday, December 7th.
The public is invited to participate in all the events.
Contact Sherry Lewis for details.
(805) 503-9022
Please forward this message to others who may be interested in attending these events. Thank you!