September 06, 2013
For the second time in less than three years President Obama is leading an effort to take the U.S. to war. Calling on Congress to follow his lead, the President’s reasoning is to punish Syria for alleged chemical weapons use and to deter future deployment of this obscene and banned weapon. The President claims military action and killing more people is necessary to protect American values and national interests and to enforce international norms.
Veterans For Peace condemns the use of chemical weapons and we call for those responsible to be brought to justice by legal means via the United Nations and and not by US bombing.
Any military action without U.N. authorization is illegal and violates the international norms the President claims he wants to protect. VFP has made a clear statement opposing U.S. military intervention, whether direct or indirect and we call for an escalation of diplomacy not war. Most of the U.S. public agrees that war is not the answer yet the war drums keep pounding louder and the war hawks gather for their feast. Now we must act to stop the President’s drive to war by hitting the streets and concentrating on Congress.
- Read the Veterans For Peace statement on Syria
- Read Veterans For Peace President Patrick McCann's statement on Syria
- Learn the facts: click here for a compilation of resources on the crisis in Syria
- Contact your Representative through phone and email, and visit their offices if you can. Find your Representative and their contact information here, or call the Congressional Switchboard at
202-224-3121 .
- Sign the Petition, Tell Congress: Don’t Bomb Syria
- Participate in a local action or plan one of your own – click here for lists of current actions being planned. Organize a peaceful protest, march, vigil in your local communities (city hall, federal building, etc) anytime this week, call for "NO attacks on Syria!"
- Join the No War with Syria Thunderclap. Speak in one powerful voice to Congress on September 9 as they meet to vote on military action in Syria!
- Check out our coalition partners’websites for their take on the impending war.
United National Antiwar Coalition
United for Peace and Justice
International Action Center
Win Without War