Vieques Celebrates 10 Years of No Bombing / Organizes Anew

May 10, 2013

VFP Members Pitch in with Petition, Media and a Visit

by Helen Jaccard, Chair, Environmental Cost of War and Militarism Working Group

Ten years ago May 1, the people of Vieques, Puerto Rico defeated the most powerful military machine ever, through mass civil disobedience and without firing a single shot. On May 1, 2003 the decades long bombing stopped and the bases were officially closed. People from all over the world supported the struggle on Vieques, and the activists and residents have an incredible victory to celebrate.

There were decades of resistance, civil disobedience and arrests. But those hoping and laying the groundwork for greater resistance were given an opportunity on April 19, 1999, when a U.S. Marines pilot missed his target and killed civilian security guard David Sanes Rodriguez. That spark lit a fire of nonviolent resistance that brought together Viequenses, Puerto Ricans, and supporters from the United States and around the world. A campaign of non-violent civil resistance that began in 1999 lasted four years, including a year-long occupation of the bombing range, and saw over 1,500 people arrested. The Navy was forced to close the bombing range on May 1, 2003. Peace loving people had won most of the first of their demands for the island: demilitarization.

The islanders and their supporters are commemorating this 10th anniversary of the closure of the bombing range and munitions depot May 1 – 4 ( has the info), and are renewing their call for activism and assistance.


You can read an article written by Helen Jaccard and David Swanson, and sign the Roots Action petition (over 15,000 already) in support of the Vieques’ residents demands the return of their lands, for a safe decontamination process and for health care. Helen Jaccard and Vieques resident/activist Kathy Gannett were interviewed on the radio show Flashpoints on KPFA radio. DemocracyNow! covered the event with an interview with Vieques resident / activist Robert Rabin and with Representative José Serrano. Juan Gonzalez also wrote an article in the New York Daily News.

Ann Wright visited Vieques during the anniversary events, and together with several Vieques activists sent a message of solidarity with the hunger strikers at Guantanamo.
