Is it possible to find 2 Million Friends?
2 million Afghans have already died in the past four decades of war in Afghanistan. And war still rages on with the continuing military action of the U.S. and its NATO allies. The Afghan Peace Volunteers are asking us to help them find 2 million friends to join them in a call for peace in Afghanistan. The initiative calls on ordinary citizens of all countries to join with Afghan citizens, who are tired of corruption, hatred and war, to be friends.
- Be A Friend – sign up at
- Support the Afghan Peace Volunteers in their call for a ceasefire by signing a petition asking the United Nations to negotiate a multilateral
- Speak with Afghan Peace Volunteers (APV) through the monthly Global Days of Listening conversations
- Link our campaign to your friends on Facebook, Twitter, etc.
- Join or hold concurrent events on December 10, Human Rights Day, when the Afghan Peace Volunteers will be making a call for peace in Kabul and at UN Headquarters in New York City.!solidarity-on-december-10th
- Help the Afghan Peace Volunteers find 2 million friends and join the 2 million friends coordinating team at Partner friends who have already joined include: September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Global Days of Listening, Veterans for Peace, Voices for Creative Nonviolence.
The Afghan Peace Volunteers want us to know that “2 Million Friends” is a call to action. It is about recognizing our shared humanity. When we see the suffering of a friend we do not stand by and wish things were different, we act to end their suffering. Solidarity with one another, person by person, can change our unfair world. We wish for 2 Million friends, friends that would ask for the war to end.
Be A Friend for Peace join us at