Call to Action: VFP Members & Supporters: Tell 'em -- "NO WAR ON IRAN!!"

February 08, 2012

Voice your opinion to your local newspaper(s) & media! Thanks to Ed Flaherty for the succinct, powerful model letter he's already sent to his paper in Iowa. Cut and paste the sample letter written by Ed Flaherty or design your own and send to your local newspaper(s) & media..

War With Iran is Senseless

There has been no "winner" in our war in Iraq. There would be no winners in any war with Iran. If there were ever a time for diplomacy, it is now. If there were ever a time for arrogance and self-righteousness, it is NOT now. How utterly absurd it would be to go to war because of the insecurity of Israel (which possesses over 200 nuclear weapons) based on Iran’s purported striving for nuclear weapons. US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said earlier this month there is no indication of Iran having a nuclear weapon program. It’s time for citizens to spend a couple minutes and call President Obama, Senators Harkin & Grassley, and Representatives Loebsack & Braley and insist they throw cold water on anything that may lead to war with Iran. This is truly the time for renewing diplomatic talks with Iran. It’s also time to promise Israel that the $3 Billion military aid which we give them annually will stop immediately if it attacks Iran. Israel must also know that the US will no longer automatically veto in the UN Security Council any action that Israel happens not to like. Wars are easy to start and hard to end. Let's end this one before it starts.

Ed Flaherty

Category: Actions
Tag: Iran