Nuclear weapons forever? New nuclear power plants? Check out these federal budget choices!

July 26, 2011

Washington policymakers are figuring out how much money they’ll spend next year on a long list of important issues. And there are real differences among three budget blueprints that have been offered: the Obama budget, the Congressional Progressive Caucus People’s Budget and the Ryan (GOP) budget. As we approach the August 6th and 9th anniversaries of the U.S. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, consider how the three budgets deal with nuclear weapons.

CAST YOUR VOTE today in the New Priorities Network poll! Tell the President and Congress what you think of these alternatives for our nuclear future.

Obama budget: Well over $185 billion by 2020 to maintain and modernize U.S. nuclear weapons systems, including construction of three new warhead production facilities and an array of new delivery systems. The FY 2012 budget request includes $7.63 billion for maintenance and modernization of nuclear warheads — the largest amount ever; $197 million for research and development of a new long-range nuclear bomber; $2.6 million for a future Intercontinental Ballistic Missile; and $1.07 billion to develop a new ballistic missile submarine slated to be in operation through 2080.

The People’s Budget: Reduce the U.S. nuclear arsenal, cancel the Trident II missile, limit modernization of nuclear weapons infrastructure and research, and selectively curtail missile defense and space programs.

Ryan Budget: Fully fund modernization of the infrastructure that builds and maintains the nation’s nuclear weapons systems.

And, as the earthquake and tsunami-damaged Fukushima reactors continue to spew deadly radiation into the atmosphere, the ground and the ocean, let’s look at how the three budgets deal with nuclear energy.

Obama budget: The FY 2012 budget request provides $36 billion in taxpayer loans for new nuclear reactors.

The People’s Budget: Eliminate subsidies for new nuclear power plants.

Ryan Budget: Encourage the development of “American-made” energy sources, including nuclear.

Which budget would you choose? Vote now and join 13,500 people who have already cast their ballots! And please share the poll with community groups, family, coworkers and friends. The results of this poll will be sent to members of Congress, the media, and everyone who participated in the poll who provides an (optional) email address. The greater the numbers, the bigger the impact!

PS: United for Peace and Justice, an affiliate of the New Priorities Network, has declared August Nuclear Free Future Month! Visit for a calendar of events and a variety of action ideas and educational resources.

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