Sign the Petition to Stop the War In Libya

June 15, 2011
Click here to watch the video

Click here to watch the press conference video.

Dennis Kucinich -

Challenging the President on War Powers

Dear Mike Ferner,

Today, I joined with nine other Members of Congress from both
parties in filing a lawsuit in federal court against President Barack
Obama that challenges his decision to take us to war in Libya without
Congressional approval.

The President has a legal obligation to obtain Congress's
authorization before leading our country into war as required by Article
I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the United States Constitution and the War
Powers Act. Since the President failed to do this before ordering our
armed forces into action in Libya, we believe the law was violated and
we have asked the courts to protect the American people and one of our
founding principles: separation of powers. This is about more than party
politics or whether you support or oppose our President's policy in
Libya - it's about protecting our constitution and the rule of law.

Click below to watch the Press Conference, then sign the petition to stop this war and help grow our movement.

Click here to watch the video

Click here to watch the press conference video.

Recently, I asked for your help in contacting Members of
Congress to demand that they stand with us to end the war in Libya and
defend the Constitution. As more and more members of both parties join
me in demanding action, it's clear that your voices are being heard in
Washington. No President has the power to unilaterally take us to war -
and that message is increasingly resonating across the country and in
both parties in Congress. Let's keep up the pressure.

Click here to watch the video, then forward this email to your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers right now and ask them to join us in saying no to the war in Libya.

This war is illegal, unjust, misguided and not affordable while
so many Americans are suffering in this economy. Together, we can end

With respect and optimism,


Dennis Kucinich

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