If You Were in Congress, Which Budget Would You Choose?You May Not Be in Congress But You Too Can Vote for the Budget That Will Be Best for the Country!

June 15, 2011

Do you think the Pentagon budget should be “off the table” but cuts to Medicare, education, and the social safety net should be?

Do you think the rich are paying their fair share of taxes?

Do you think giving the rich and corporations more tax breaks is going to create jobs and put the country back to work?

Do you think your children and grandchildren should still be paying off the debt run up by the wars against Iraq and Afghanistan?

Do you think our nation’s budget priorities are upside down?

You and I don’t get to vote on the budget. Our opinion individually doesn’t carry much weight. But our opinions added to that of our neighbors, our friends, our co-workers and associates can send a powerful message to Congress. Together we can send them a message that they ignore at their own peril. The Senate is marking up the budget right now, so now is when they need to hear our unified voice.

Take one minute to cast your vote in the New Priorities Network poll. Click on this link and you can quickly compare the priorities of the GOP/Ryan Budget, the Obama Budget Framework, and the Congressional Progressive Caucus “People’s Budget”. You can cast your vote for the budget that builds the nation that you envision.

Want to do more?

Send notice of the poll to your family, friends and associates. Post it to your listserves.

Ask organizations you're part of to join the Poll campaign. (New Priorities Network can put the poll right on their website or provide graphics for websites, Facebook pages and email messages that link to it.)

Attend a Town Hall Meeting with members of Congress to voice your opinion. Help organize one if it is not already scheduled, and bring this choice to your neighbors!

Check the New Priorities Network website to find out in which cities there are organizations participating in this poll campaign. (Please report to NPN if you know of an organization that is promoting the poll for which the city is not listed.)

For more information or assistance, write to cutmilitaryspending@gmail.com

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