VFP Members Sailing to Gaza

June 01, 2011

VFP has supported this flotilla from the very first time a can was passed for donations.

Members Ken Mayers, Ray McGovern, Ann Wright, Nic Abramson and VFP Honorary Member Hedy Epstein, intend to be on board when it gets underway "from an unidentified port in late June."

Stay tuned, but do something! It's not a spectator sport!http://ustogaza.org


Americans Are Joining Flotilla to Protest Israeli Blockade

(Courtesy of nytimes.com)


When an international flotilla sails for Gaza this month to challenge
Israel’s naval blockade of the Palestinian territory, among the boats
will be an American ship with 34 passengers, including the writer Alice
Walker and an 86-year-old whose parents died in the Holocaust.

A year ago, nine people in a flotilla of six boats were killed when
Israeli commandos boarded a Turkish boat in international waters off the
coast of Gaza. The Israelis said their commandos were attacked and
struck back in self-defense, but the Turks blamed the Israelis for using
live ammunition. The raid soured relations between Israel and Turkey
and intensified pressure on Israel to end the naval blockade.

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