Democracy is coming . . . to the U.S.A.

May 31, 2011

A new movement -- a democracy movement -- was born in the streets of Seattle on November 30, 1999.

This movement's early years were not easy. Pro-democracy organizers faced crisis after crisis: the stolen presidential elections of 2000 and 2004; the militarization of America that followed September 11th; the destruction of the Gulf Coast in the aftermath of Katrina; the Supreme Court ruling that corporations wield constitutional rights to buy elections; and today, an economic crisis that is being used to impose fiscal austerity and corporatization schemes on our states and people.

Through these difficult struggles, the new democracy movement has taken form, expanded, and matured. Now it is time for a coming-of-age celebration. This is the moment to unite in one location the many different efforts to build genuine democracy in the United States.

And what better place to come together, and to rejoice, than in Madison, Wisconsin, the city and state that have inspired people everywhere to declare that "We are Wisconsin!"

VFP is a co-sponsor of the Democracy Convention and we encourage our members to participate. Send a chapter rep, get an after action report.

If you are sick of always reacting to Empire's latest war; if you want to ABOLISH WAR AS AN INSTRUMENT OF NATIONAL POLICY, here's the place to meet others from a variety of movements who share our vision of a better life; a life not ruled by corporate power; a life where "we the people" have the power and responsibility to make a sustainable, democratic, peaceful world.

Democracy is coming . . . to the U.S.A. Come to Madison August 24-28 and see for yourself!

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