113 Arrested @ the White House and 32 arrested in Quantico, VA

March 20, 2011

This weekend Veterans For Peace, along with Vietnam Veterans Against the
War, March Forward and Iraq Veterans Against the War marked the 8th
anniversary of the
U.S. invasion of Iraq. A rally in DC began with a march
around the White House with chants of
“Stop These Wars” and “Free Bradley Manning” as drums were played in the
background. Ralph Nader and
Daniel Ellsberg were among those who spoke to the crowd of 1000+.
One hundred thirteen (113)
veterans and supporters were arrested at the White House.

endorsing the White House civil resistance action include: ANSWER,
Black Is Back, CodePink, Courage to Resist, Fellowship of
Reconciliation, Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in
Space, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Jewish Voice for Peace, Jews Say
NO, March Forward!, National Assembly to End the U.S. Wars and
Occupations, Office of the Americas, Peace Action, Peace Action
Montgomery, Peace of the Action, United for Peace and Justice, United
National Anti-War Committee, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Voices
for Creative Non-Violence, Voters for Peace, War Resisters League,
Washington Peace Center, World Can‟t Wait.

Rallies were held across the nation in solidarity with the main event
held at the White House, including events in Iowa City, Corvallis, San
Francisco, Santa Barbara and New York City. At this time
from the local solidarity rallies have not been reported.

On Sunday 100+ activists continued
on to Quantico, VA to rally to Free Bradley Manning. Thirty-two
were arrested in Quantico, VA.

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