Urgent Call To Action on March 19!

January 24, 2011

Message from Stopthesewars

December 16, Washington, DC, the White House — "The speeches are over.
There was a mournful harmonica rendition of taps. The 500 protesters
fell silent. One hundred and thirty-one men and women, many of them
military veterans wearing old fatigues, formed a single, silent line.
Under a heavy snowfall and to the slow beat of a drum, they walked to
the White House fence. They stood there until they were arrested."—Chris
Hedges from "Bitter Memories of War on the Way to Jail."

The wars and the occupation of Iraq still rage. We read almost daily of
new atrocities spawned by our corporate government's ruthless
militarism. People in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Palestine, as
well as our own soldiers, experience these things first hand.

When soldiers, wounded and maimed, both in body and soul, come home,what
do they find? Do they find relief from the horror of war and killing,
or does it haunt them, affecting their families, friends and
communities? Do they find accessible medical care? Do they find support
from the very military they served or are they cast off like so many no
longer useful tools? Do they readily find gainful employment or a
steadily deteriorating economy and job market for the poor and middle
classes while Wall Street thrives?

What about the people in the countries the war machine is still
destroying, supposedly to bring them democracy and freedom? Can we
imagine what their lives are like?

What about the planet we live on? Are we aware that the U.S. war machine is the greatest polluter on earth?

"War perverts and destroys you. It pushes you closer and closer to your
own annihilation—spiritual, emotional and, finally,physical. It destroys
the continuity of life, tearing apart all systems, economic, social,
environmental and political, that sustain usas human beings." - Chris

And we who have opened our eyes and hearts, what do we do? Was the December 16 civil resistance enough?

On March 19—the anniversary of the brutal invasion of Iraq, where
over a million Iraqis and almost 5,000 U.S. soldiers died with thousands
more grievously injured—as the occupation of Iraq and the wars in
Afghanistan and Pakistan continue unabated, Veterans For Peace is
calling for increased veteran-led nonviolent civil resistance at the
White House.

As these words are written, men, women, and children are dying because
of our government's deadly policy of war. Yet the state of endless war
threatens to achieve normalcy in this country. We cannot let this
happen. There is no justification for these wars, but there is a
desperate and urgent need to show the United States and the world that
nonviolent resistance will continue to grow in strength and numbers
until these wars end.

There are two critical ways that you can help build resistance here in the United States.

Most important, put your body on the line for peace and join us on March 19!

If you can't do that, or even if you can, please support this effort with your donation. To make a contribution go to www.stopthesewars.org.
With your support and participation we'll be at the White House March
19, resisting the war machine with numbers far surpassing our effort in
December. Resist the War Machine!

For more information on participating in the March 19, 2011, veteran-led civil resistance to the war machine, please email stopthesewars@gmail.com or go to www.stopthesewars.org.

> March 19th rally flyer

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