Real Hope Is About Doing Something

November 28, 2010

On Dec. 16 I will join Daniel Ellsberg, Medea Benjamin, Ray McGovern and
several military veteran activists outside the White House to protest
the futile and endless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many of us will,
after our rally in Lafayette Park, attempt to chain ourselves to the
fence outside the White House. It is a pretty good bet we will all spend
a night in jail. Hope, from now on, will look like this.
Hope is not trusting in the ultimate goodness of Barack Obama, who, like
Herod of old, sold out his people. It is not having a positive attitude
or pretending that happy thoughts and false optimism will make the
world better. Hope is not about chanting packaged campaign slogans or
trusting in the better nature of the Democratic Party. Hope does not
mean that our protests will suddenly awaken the dead consciences, the
atrophied souls, of the plutocrats running Halliburton, Goldman Sachs,
ExxonMobil or the government.
continued on

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