Office Blog

February 12, 2013

Here is a peek at what various people are working on in the office these days:

  • Mike is preparing to attend the David Cline Memorial Celebration in New York and the Northern California regional gathering in Ukiah, CA.
  • Shelly is coordinating the preparation of a members’ only section for the VFP website that will offer access to non-public documents and will be used this Fall for voting!
  • Casey is working on developing a calendar of events and supporting materials for the year to provide opportunities for chapters to act together for greater impact. A very big task!
  • I am preparing renewal mailings, helping coordinate the coming newsletter and tracking various odd financial situations. VFP seems to have unclaimed money being held by the state of California, and we have the opportunity to claim some portion of a class action settlement against MasterCard and Visa. The California situation seems to be significant; the class action may come to almost nothing. We’ll just wait and see.
  • Doug is working with the Development Committee and calling people whose membership lapsed in December.
  • Chrissie is entering all the data on your many generous donations and filling and shipping store orders. And baking wicked good brownies!

It's ordinary time.

Category: Virginia