October 30, 2012
The Holidays are upon us! The end of year holds special relevance to every nonprofit organization, as it is the time to evaluate the progress of the work undertaken and to wrap up loose ends, preparing for yet another year.
The Holidays are the time of the year that we are especially encouraged to think about generosity and belonging. For me the Season begins on Halloween, when I get down to Sixth Street in Austin at Midnight on October 31 with my freaky allies, the tens of thousands of ghouls, goblins, witches, warlocks and Zombies to celebrate outrageousness and marginalized imaginations.
It appears that there is nothing more outrageous in our society than to suggest that we can and should end the institution of War - nothing more marginalized than groups like VFP organized around the concept of Oneness and Mercy.
Then comes Thanksgiving, a Holiday replete with racist implications and self-serving myth but simultaneously, an opportunity for families (of all kinds) to convene and do a spiritual practice together, that of celebrating Gratitude. I am awakened each morning by an email from gratitude.org and emails or social media contacts from a dozen or more of you.
Color me grateful for the outrageous Spirits I encounter in Veterans For Peace and for the end of the year work. I am gateful for the chance to speak to more of you than at any other time of the year and to serve VFP and the cause of World Peace.