The Veterans For Peace board of directors and staff offer our deepest sympathies upon hearing of the death of our dear brother John Heuer on November 15th, 2016 after a long illness.
John was past president of Eisenhower Chapter 157 (North Carolina’s Triangle Area) and past secretary of the national board of directors. John served for four years on the board until health issues caused him to resign this past October.
John forfeited his student deferment by dropping out of college and signed on as an Ordinary Seaman on a ship bound for Viet Nam. What he saw in Qui Nhon confirmed his worst fears that our country was involved in great crimes against the people of Viet Nam, her neighbors, and our own service personnel. John refused induction into the Army of Richard Nixon in 1970. He applied for conscientious objector status, but was denied. Instead of going to Viet Nam, he emigrated to Nova Scotia, Canada. He came to North Carolina to restore his good citizenship as a VISTA volunteer in 1976 under President Ford's offer of amnesty.
John spent the rest of his life working to end militarism and war and advance peace and justice in the United States and abroad.
John was a true friend and a relentless activist who left everyone he met with caring energy and sincere optimism. He was a gentle and compassionate man who gave sound advice with softness and insight. He always kept an even-keel and helped ground the board, especially when discussions became contentious.
John’s friendly, loving manner, his wisdom, his humor, his strength and determination will guide us as we continue to carry out our organizational mission, for which John was steadfast in his dedication and commitment.
We will honor John’s memory and legacy of service to the cause of peace and justice through our work to build a more just, peaceful and sustainable future for our children and grandchildren.
The Veterans For Peace family has lost a stalwart for peace, but John’s positive impact on us as well as the peace community will be felt for many years to come.
We who cherished and shared John's journey on the VFP board of directors will miss him.
John Heuer's Obituary
John Heuer left this world too soon and too suddenly leaving his many loved ones and friends reeling. John was first and foremost a Peacemaker. Throughout his life John was devoted to the belief that war had to be abolished. A prophet of Peace, John exuded a personal spirit of nonviolence. His tireless work for Peace gave those around him a sense that a better world -- one where Love prevails over hate -- is indeed possible.
Vicki and Doug Ryder of the local VFP chapter will be looking for beds in homes of local VFPers. There are also three B&Bs in Pittsboro. The closest hotel is a Hampton Inn in Carrboro, NC -- about 20 minutes from the venue. Lodging options are also available in Chapel Hill or Durham.