VFP Members in Florida Educate on Military Spending

October 01, 2012

Vice President Biden came to the Wa-Ke Hatchee Recreational Park, Fort Myers,FL to pound the lectern, with about 2,000 attending. Flyers passed out included handout "Where Do Our Income Tax Dollars Go?" This was a real eye-opener for recipients,showing aggregate military dollar spending of $1.2 Trillion Dollars in 2011. You can get a copy of this document at http://fcnl.org/assets/flyer/taxchart11.pdf Thanks to Matt Southworth, VFP member and Iraq veteran.


Most people just accept the Pentagon Budget figure and are surprised that there's an additional $400 to $500 Billion in costs as well. The other flyer was DOD Casualty Statistics though September 28th, 2012. This is a daily report issued by the DOD on KIA and WIA since 2001. It shows that we've taken casualties in 23 foreign countries. Again, a real eye-opener, as the general public has no idea of the scope of our mailed-fist diplomacy.
(Pictured: John Battin of Fort Meyers, FL. John is currently working to start a VFP chapter in Fort Meyers. If you are intersted in joining, please contact him directly by phone at (239) 437-6338 or by e-mail at jbattin@nycap.rr.com.)
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